Los Filos

Since 2017 we have been working in the Los Flos underground mine; throughout this time there have been changes of owners

Servicios: Desarrollo y producción.

El complejo minero Los Filos inició su producción comercial en 2008. La operación consta de dos grandes tajos abiertos (Los Filos y Bermejal) y una mina subterránea (Los Filos) ubicado en el estado de Guerrero en el municipio de Eduardo Neri en la localidad de Mezcala.

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Tunneling drill jumbo machines

Jumbo is the name given to an electro-hydraulic equipment equipped with one or several hydraulic hammers (drills) on hydraulic arms that allow access to any part of the face. It is a machine designed to carry out underground work quickly and automatically: advancement of tunnels and galleries, cross drilling, benching with horizontal holes and mining by cut and fill, among others.